Do You Have a Plan For the Future?

Have you given any thought to your wishes regarding….

  • What health care services you would choose to receive if you became incapacitated?
  • What life-support means to you?
  • What kind of medical treatment you would want if you were close to death?
  • What kind of medical treatment you would want if you were in a coma and not expected to wake up?
  • What kind of medical treatment you would want if you sustained permanent, severe brain damage and were not expected to recovery?
  • Who would make these decisions for you in the event that you could not?

If you were close to death:

  • How comfortable do you want to be?
  • How do you want people to treat you?
  • What do you want your loved ones to know?

If not, know you are not alone. A 2014 study by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that nearly 2/3rd of Americans did not any form of advanced directive. In other words, only 26% of Americans did have advanced directives in place. In addition, it is important to note that at the time of death, only half of us are able to make our own decisions.

An advanced directive is a legal document that states your medical wishes in the event you are unable to express them and includes a living will and power of attorney for healthcare.    An alternative advanced directive is the “Five Wishes” document which is legal in a majority of states and can be found at this link:

Advanced Directives Work

Completing and advanced directive is only the first step in getting your affairs in order. Please do take the time to visit this link: It does an excellent job of helping you “Plan for the Future”.

Truly there is no greater gift a family can receive than that of having your life and death wishes clearly outlined and your personal affairs in order.

This is not about dying, but living the life you wish to live.


Paw Patrol, Curious George and Mechanical Ventilation?

As a father of two, I have to confess that I use the electronic nanny (TV) nearly each morning as my wife and I are getting ready for the day. What I am amazed at is the fact that a 2 and 5 year old can remain interested and learn…even some fairly complex subject matter at times! I found my self wondering if cartoons could work for students too.

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Why Wellness?

Research shows that a student’s health directly affects his or her educational achievement and capacity to learn (Mcglynn, 2004). The Wellness and Health Promotion students at NWTC complete a variety of courses to foster their own personal wellness growth.

In discovering their own journey towards wellness, these students will be better equipped for being professionals in the field and more adequately prepared to guide others towards making healthy lifestyle choices. By discovering and sharing their own success stories, the students have become a motivating and supportive cohort. They are living examples of the program.

My challenge to you as faculty is to be sure to promote health and wellness not only in your everyday life, but also to your students. Simple things, such as offering positive stress management techniques for students, or encouraging school/life balance can go a long way in regard to student success. Students who are in touch with the various dimensions of wellness will have a greater likelihood of persistence in all areas of their lives.

Healthy Schools, Healthy Students. Mcglynn, Cindy. CrossCurrents – The Journal of Addiction and Mental Health, Autumn, 2004, Vol.8(1), p.14(2)


Let’s Walk!

An estimated 20 million people worldwide will die this year from cardiovascular disease. The American Heart Association (AHA) of Green Bay is doing their part to help fight this leading cause of death by hosting its annual Heart Walk right here on our campus. The AHA’s mission is to build healthier lives that are free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke – the nation’s number 1 and number 4 killers.

The students in the Wellness and Health Promotion program at NWTC are not only preparing to become professionals that will assist others in lowering these statistics, but will also be participating in a service learning opportunity by organizing the Heart Walk for our campus. Through their Wellness Programming and Design course, students will:

  • Volunteer on various sub-committees to plan the event
  • Coordinate everything from the interactive activities offered for participants to the food and drinks that will be available the day of the event
  • Help in recruiting corporations to participate in the event

This opportunity gives the students real-life experience in event planning as well as beneficial experience in collaborating with other organizations to reach a common goal. The students truly help with the event from start to finish and do their part to make an impact in the fight against heart disease. Be sure to join this fight and save the date to participate – September 19, 2015 – and see our students’ service learning in action.

Why you should take a break


3 year olds have tasks too

As I stepped foot into the campus workout room for the first time in almost four years I wondered why it had been so long. Then I had a series of flashbacks (the scriptwriting instructor side of me wants to format my flashbacks properly for film, but I will refrain). I visualized my two small children and husband, a messy house, an infinitely long grading list, class prep work, an uneaten lunch, and a clock reading 1am. Now it all makes sense. Continue reading