Paw Patrol, Curious George and Mechanical Ventilation?

As a father of two, I have to confess that I use the electronic nanny (TV) nearly each morning as my wife and I are getting ready for the day. What I am amazed at is the fact that a 2 and 5 year old can remain interested and learn…even some fairly complex subject matter at times! I found my self wondering if cartoons could work for students too.

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Wow!  It’s hard to believe that in less than 1 month (28 days to be exact), I will be teaching my first live theory class here at the college! While I am super excited, I cannot even believe how much my head is spinning!  There is so much to know and remember…..but I can’t help wondering though……will I remember it all?  As a new educator, one’s head and thought processes go everywhere…’s almost like one suffers from “shiny object syndrome”.  HAHA!  I love researching new ideas and finding great new techniques to incorporate into my class, so, if anyone out there has some great CAT’s or ice breakers or other classroom teaching strategies and are willing to share, feel free to share with me!  I would love to try out more new things!  Soon the spinning will stop and I will be thoroughly enthralled in my class!  But for now I am researching and developing and pondering all sorts of educational things! Stay tuned……….my new educator update will come at a later date; for now, I need to finish putting it all together! Have a great day!